Tender reference number: 4
Tender publishing date: December 31, 2020
Closing date: by 3:00 pm on 1 March, 2021
Repeated invitation to tender for the sale of real estate
Skradin, Ulica dr. Franje Tuđmana 32 i 35
INITIAL PRICE: 8,140,000.00 HRK
- bid is expressed in net amount, and it does not include tax (VAT / Real estate sales tax). Taxes and fees are paid by the customer.
PLOT AREA: 816 m2
- designated in the cadastral plot no. 233 ZGR and cadastral plot no. 241/2 ZGR, entered in the land registry folios 1190 and 1880, all in cadastral municipality Skradin.
ENERGY CERTIFICATE: Object "Loda 1" has energy certificate C, while the facility "Loda 2" is not subject to energy certification because it is a ruined building that is not used.
Hostel Loda consists of two buildings, both located in the old historic center of Skradin, at the port of entry in the National Park Krka.
► Real estate designated in the cadastral plot no 241/2 ZGR entered in the land registry folios1880 Skradin (Loda 1) is located on a plot of 370.00 m2. Total net area of the building: 544.05 m2. Existing facilities: the building has three floors and a small yard. The capacity of the hostel is 89 beds in multi-bed rooms on the first and second floor, while on the ground floor there are common bathrooms and dining room.
► Real estate designated in the cadastral plot no 233 ZGR entered in the land registry folios 1190 Skradin (Loda 2) is located on a plot of 446.00 m
2. Total net area of the building: 590.76 m
2. The facility is out of order.
The property has the status of cultural property.
Contact person of the Seller
- Mr. Josip Krnjić / Mob: +385 (0) 91 235 6156
The time limit for the submission of tenders is 60 days from the date of the publication of the Invitation to Tender, or, specifically, by 3:00 pm on 1 March 2021.
The tender, together with proof of fulfilment of the terms of the Invitation to Tender, shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “JAVNI NATJEČAJ ZA PRODAJU NEKRETNINE - HOSTEL LODA SKRADIN - NE OTVARATI” by registered mail to ZAGREBAČKI HOLDING d.o.o. – Podružnica Vladimir Nazor, Maksimirska 51A, 10000 Zagreb, or in person at the registry at the same address. Name, surname, and address shall be indicated on the back of the envelope for tendering natural persons, and company name, seat and persons appointed for the receipt of documents, if any, for tendering legal entities. Tenders delivered directly to the registry of ZAGREBAČKI HOLDING d.o.o. – Podružnica Vladimir Nazor or sent by registered mail after the expiry of the time limit for the submission of tenders will be considered late and will not be taken into consideration.
The public opening of tenders will be on March 5, 2021. at 9:00 am, at the location ZAGREBAČKI HOLDING d.o.o. Podružnica Vladimir Nazor, Maksimirska 51A, 10000 Zagreb.
After the opening of tenders and selection of the best tender in the manner and under the conditions set forth in this Invitation to Tender, the real property in Skradin, “LODA” HOSTEL SKRADIN, will be offered to the Republic of Croatia, Šibenik-Knin County and Skradin Municipality at the price offered in the best tender, and they will be invited to respond within 60 days whether they will exercise their pre-emption right under the Cultural Property Protection and Conservation Act.