15. November 2019. In season 2019/2020., the
Winter Road Maintenance Department had a total of 292 crews divided between 17 stand - by locations.
Winter Road Maintenance includes the work essential to keeping the roads passable and allowing traffic to proceed safely in the winter conditions regime, which is governed by special regulations.
Zagreb Holding Ltd., Subsidiary Zagreb Roads is responsible for the organisation of winter road maintenance in the unclassified roads of the City of Zagreb. The Winter Road Maintenance Plan 2019/2020 includes salting and gritting a total of 2,633 of roads.
The Winter Road Maintenance Department has four alert levels and two priority levels. The alert levels are defined by the Public Roads Maintenance and Protection Regulations and depend on the weather, geography and climate in a given area.
The Winter Road Maintenance Department is on standby 24 hours a day in the entire winter period, from 15 November 2019 to 15 April 2020.
Zagreb Holding Ltd., Subsidiary Zagreb Roads defines alert levels based on the information obtained from the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service and informs the public about the conditions and the passability of the roads through the Information Centre for the State of Roads in the City of Zagreb.